Recognition of intersectionality is important to combat discrimination. We can’t fix systemic oppression on our own, but we can help with education about your car to make life a little easier. Backdoors Auto Class would like to offer discounts and deals on classes in the celebration of equitable education. Actions speak louder than words.

  • If you are drastically suffering from capitalism, a.k.a. homelessness, you are welcome to attend any classes for FREE

  • We believe in second chances and healing through community. If you have been released from incarceration in the last year you’re welcome to attend 3 classes for free.

  • March is woman’s history month. Margaret Wilcox! Brehanna Daniels! From the 1800’s to today, you are not about to come here and say women can’t work on cars. Fuck patriarchal societal norms! Any woman is welcome to attend classes for free during the month of March.

  • Xenophobia and Islamophobia are still apparent in american culture. Its especially the case with Arab peoples. April is Arab Heritage month. If you have Arabic heritage, any classes during the month of April are free. There’s a wide array of countries that deserve attention but its important to note that Backdoors Auto Class is in complete solidarity with Palestine and stands alongside the ICJ in its condemnation of Israels genocide of the Palestinian people.

  • There are a lot of heritage celebrations, more than there are months in the year. But alas, the u.s.a. has time and again other-ed our own communities. Recognition and education for those marginalized communities is more important than ever. Asian and Pacific islander Heritage month is recognized in May. While Asian cultures are SO diverse and really should not be summed up how america does, offering free access to our classes during May is a step in the right direction. Please join us for free.

  • May is also Jewish Heritage month. Antisemitism is an awful display of hate. When Jewish refugees destined to die at the hands of Nazis were denied access and refuge by the u.s.a. during the holocaust because of antisemitic and anti-immigrant nationalist values, even more cruel and horrific death occurred. Learning from the past and respecting the Jewish faith is of utmost importance. All Jews are welcome to attend classes for free in May. Additionally, because this is an auto class and driving is not permissible during Shabbat, there will never be class or extra class activities during Shabbat. To ensure inclusion, that stands all year and not just the month of May.

  • Oh hey! Its June ;-) LGBTQ+ support all year long is a definite but during pride month, class is free for those of us in the queer community. We absolutely need more queer representation in the auto industry and less support of harmful toxic hetero-normative garages and shops. Self care, exploration, and authenticity is a protest under a hetero-normative hegemony. Pride is a protest!

  • July is disability pride month. Car centered cities have been anything but inclusive and the Denver metro area has failed people with its infrastructure. Walkable and accessible cities are major priorities to advocate for, and although car culture strays away from that any chance it can, we still want to help educate about vehicle maintenance while advocating for awareness and better, less car-centric infrastructure. Invisible disability’s included, anyone who identifies as disabled is welcome in class for free during July. Backdoors auto class does not have experience repairing wheel chairs but we’re up to the task. Please email us if you have a wheel chair or other mobility device that needs service. We may be able to help.

  • We want to help honor Black activists and freedom fighters during the month of Black august. If you’re Black, any classes during August are free. Revolutionaries like Asata Shakur, Fred Hampton, and many more are commemorated during Black August. Mutual aid has been part of every revolution and Backdoors auto class wants to do our part in supporting the Black community and Black liberation.

  • September 15th to October 15th is Latine heritage month. Anyone who is Hispanic, Latine, or Chicano may join class for free from September 15th - October 15th. No matter the term you use to identify your heritage. Peoples from Mexico, Central, and South America have been fighting to gain access to education for centuries. Backdoors auto wants to be as supportive as possible in destroying those systemic barriers that prevent access to education. “The walls of the educational system must come down. Education should not be a privilege, so the children of those who have money can study.” -Che Guevara

  • During the month of November, any Indigenous person is welcome to attend class for free. Historical atrocities, land theft, and the intentional destruction of Indigenous traditions through the united states government has caused incredible harm. Land Back! Our garage is located blocks from Sand Creek. The same Sand Creek that the Sand Creek Massacre happened on. This land was not a gift and it was stolen through violence, destroyed through colonialist values, and sold into the capitalism system that we see today. If you’re ancestry is from the Ute, Arapaho, Cheyenne, Apache, Pueblo, or Shoshone tribes class will be free indefinitely.

Class Consciousness

Don’t forget, peasants used sickles & hammers owned by the kingdom to kill their feudal lords.