Diag Days

$25 for this 3 hour class

Diag Days! a.k.a. Diagnosis days are intended to help people learn about their specific vehicles issue or scheduled maintenance even if the system that were looking at doesn’t fit into the rest of the class schedule. Think about it as a first come first serve mutual aid day. We may be doing some oil changes or we may be diagnosing a drive-ability issue. We may be having a lecture on preventative maintenance and planning maintenance schedules or we may be replacing brakes. We may be planning repairs for future classes or helping build out a mobile home. We may be doing general inspections or preparing vehicles for road trips.

Diag Days are a good day to attend if you’re looking to have your vehicle repaired with us for a regularly scheduled class. Please feel free to email your questions.

Think of the Diag Days class as a free form class

Unlike most other classes at Backdoors Auto, Diag Days is only $25 instead of $40. The duration will last 3 hours or less depending on students needs.

Please consider attending a Diag days class even if your personal vehicle is not being worked on or looked at. You’ll probably learn something interesting and you can help out others in the community, after all, this is mutual aid.

If you would like something addressed with a vehicle or would like to focus on something specifically. Please email us. This is a first come first serve class but we also have to recognize our limitations and what is best for other students. All repairs must be pre-approved. We cannot guarantee payment for all repairs but we will try our best. After all, we are educational mutual aid.